AboutHere you can find everything you need to know about Sou' West Legal Service's principal Kirstine Forestier and how she will provide you with personalised legal guidance.
About Kirstine
Kirstine Forestier
Barrister and Solicitor
Kirstine is a senior lawyer who qualified in Western Australia in 1996. She is experienced in most areas of the law. Kirstine has a passion for providing legal services to you.
Kirstine began Sou' West Legal Services in 2017 after moving to the south west.
She has an office in Busselton and an office in Augusta.
Kirstine also operated as North West Legal Services from 2014-2017 and lived in the Pilbara and Ashburton.
Kirstine understands how isolation and distance affects your access to legal help.
Kirstine, being friendly and approachable, helps you ask the questions you need answered at a stressful and confusing time.
Let Kirstine help you to become solution focused and able to assess your options realistically.
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